Monday, 24 September 2012

A Hot-Head Crap? Or a Strict Captain?

Today's Topic:
My partner is a hot head but he claims that he is being strict. Which one?

Being strict and a hot-temp person is two different thing that may cause fortunate and unfortunate. By being strict,a man can actually control his lady in terms of being a nightly person to being a positive yet well made person. Strictness however,do have it's limit.
Strict doesn't mean control every move that the partner makes. But it suppose to be:
In example: 

'My dear,I do not allow you to go out because it's too late and the urban city is not somewhere you should be at this moment.It might be dangerous.'

'Darling,I do not allow you to go out!'

See the difference between this two example given?
When you add reason to why you do not allow someone to go out it totally changes the whole thing. This differentiate you between a Hot Head and also a strict leader. As a guy,we do not have to control her freedom,we do not ban her from going out with her friend(s) because they are humans too. They have feelings and also their social needs. Some guys tend to be insecure with his partner resulting a very hard moment for him most of the time.
For a guy who doesn't have any trust nor confidence towards their partner may result to:

1) Always stops her from going out with her friends.

Reason:they are scare that the girl might see any other guy that she interested in.

2) Non-Stop chatting and texting. Keeping in contact almost 24/7.

Reason:They are afraid that you might lie to them about your whereabouts.

3)Stopping you from a reunion.

Reason: Maybe there's your previous crush or perhaps first love,so HELL NO for reunion.

4) Asking you to take evidence (photo/video) whenever you go out.

Reason: They scare of getting cheated.

There are plenty of other reasons that could be written,but i'm not going to do that as it is a lot! And yes,there are a lot of

To guys:
Please do have faith and trust in your lady. 81% of the women around the globe do not like to be cheated and will always stay loyal. Therefore,please do allow them to go out. BUT! Remember,be strict,not a Hot-Head! Do not control them too much,unless they are your wife,but still! they need friends too!
Only stop her from doing something when you have a super-good reason to it.

To Ladies:
Guys,we are also gentle at times,it is not that we want to stop you,it's just that we have our own fears at times.
You all must know that,we care for ladies because we love them.
We,guys,we do not want anything to happen to our partner.
Ladies shouldn't be afraid when we care for you,but be afraid when we tend to stop care for you.
At that point,there is no turning back. We will lose our love bit by bit towards the lady we love so dearly before.

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